OFFCUT collaborative have produced site-specific sculpture and installation since 2013. While the notion of site-specifity within an architectural context has always been at the core of the duo’s projects, their outcomes and responses continue to vary. Often beginning with a sensitive reading of a specific environment, OFFCUT typically produce work that encourages an audience to reconsider their physical and conceptual relationship to a specific site. Their artwork functions to emphasise overlooked features and qualities of a space.
More recently the collaboration has rooted their work to a particular site in 4 Lifton studios where the location and physical attributes of the former house / converted studio has inspired the course of this years work. They have explored the multifarious sensory elements of the space in installations and interactive performances, and created sculptures which replicate features of the space. Every project considers a different compositional element operating in the site. The collaborative’s work has been framed by the passive outdoor audience of commuting students and builders: in their exhibition piece they aim to draw attention to this overlooked aspect of their work.