Oliver Holt

Sounds interweave, fuse and run together in a continual splurge that we barely recognize or acknowledge. Images impose themselves at every turn. We live in a vastly multimedia dominated arena where the eye takes precedence and the other senses follow, clouded in the shadows.

Oliver’s practice sorts to readdress a balance between the visual and the sonic, between the eye and the ear. Sounds that are usually inaudible or unrecognisable are plucked from their noisy sound scape and given a voice to talk, in a context for you to listen.

While every object has its own resonance, the relationship between the visual and sonic is explored through the transmission of sound through sculptural objects. Silent sculptures are made audible. Both sound and sculpture assert an aural and spatial awareness that we use on a daily basis to experience our surroundings. Fusing the visual and sonic in this method has the capability to further understand the space in which we exist.